Gastrointestinal Flu Phoenix 2010 All Celiacs/wheat Intolerant...what Are Your Thoughts?

All Celiacs/wheat intolerant...what are your thoughts? - gastrointestinal flu phoenix 2010

I am very ill at the beginning of my pregnancy (6 weeks) ... said they had a stomach flu. Gastrointestinal symptoms, but have never gone - only the pain or dehydration, did, etc. (flu-like symptoms). Because I totally I Intollerante self-diagnosis is gluten-free. Since I got pregnant, the only test that could give me was the blood test for celiac disease, and it always came back negative. Good news so far, but I was on a strict gluten-free and a good feeling. Sometimes, I "tested" my reaction to him and ate bread or noodles and you end up with more abdominal pain / bloating and gas and diarhea for about 24 hours (that's what you 've noticed it or not, generally feel that reaction is much faster). I have no reaction to oats, and do not think I do not feel SYmptoms condiments or small amounts of gluten.

Two days ago, accidentally macaroni and cheese, wheat, which was to eat (I have the wrong box - an organic macaroni wheat). I noticed the mistake shortly after the dinner, and she waited for symptoms. However, almost 36 hours later - change without severe abdominal pain - intestinal very little. I'm scared to eat more because they tried the severity of that which responds to the announcement made in the past, but I am hopeful that this could be related in connection with pregnancy. I am now 35 weeks pregnant.

How do you react quickly on the flour and wheat gluten you have any advice, this is not apparent how crazier new?


Anonymous said...

The first recall what is known about celiac disease, and the proof is that you are always on food, eating gluten to test positive. You can not on a strict gluten-free and a positive test.

The other thing to remember is that celiac disease respond differently to exposure to gluten and may also react differently to the exposure of a moment. This may depend on what you eat in time, or something else.

The best thing we can do, such as celiac disease is an ongoing search for zero-exposure and is therefore not accidental conatamination so strict. In the long run, you must avoid gluten, no matter how you react to prevent cancer.

It seems that in the future, return to the mountain should GlutenHY obtain new evidence for celiac disease, but not before waiting unlikely pregnant and breastfeeding. Then, if positive, we are sure you need to avoid adhesive. It is also important to get the rest of the family to the test because they genetically determined.

Anonymous said...

Celiac disease is a disease that seem both a trigger to be necessary. You've got 2 possible triggers (both pregnancy flu and gastrointestinal).

Has anyone in your family (blood relatives) suffer from celiac disease? If so, this increases the likelihood that you have. When someone suffers from celiac disease, and no one suffers from asthma or diabetes, the risk is very low. Other conditions that appear in groups of celiac disease or gluten intolerance to come. If you it is 5 multiple-choice question quiz that tells you how to intolerance to gluten.

Not surprisingly, reactions to eating things that sometimes happen - but eat the same thing as a rule, I am informed that:# 039: I am not immune!

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